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The Perfect Brows for You

How to get Your Perfect Brows?

Are you having trouble deciding between straight eyebrows and arched eyebrows?

Or maybe you’re just trying to avoid bad eyebrows?

As the saying goes, ‘if eyes are paintings, eyebrows are the frame.' So, naturally, the frame should enhance the painting’s beauty- and that’s where eyebrow shapes come into play.

The thing about eyebrow shapes is that once you get your eyebrows done, you can’t really do them all over again. So, you're stuck with them for a while unless, of course, you use a good eyebrow growth serum.

Gone are the days when we used to pluck the life out of our eyebrows in the 1990s. Now the idea of the perfect eyebrows has shifted to somewhat thicker, fuller eyebrows.


Best Eyebrow Shape for Your Face

Great eyebrows shape the look.  Since we all look different, there’s no “one-shape-fit-all” brows, so how to find your best brow shape?  Now, one way to do this is through math, or you could simply stand in front of a mirror and take a guess.  Ok, so maybe the second option.  But instead of the guess work, here are tips to help you find your perfect eyebrow.  First, determine your face shape. Once you know your face shape, you can decide the eyebrow shape you need to look your best.

Eyebrows for an Oval Face

Sure, all face shapes are perfect, but oval faces tend to be favored because, well, humans have a thing for symmetry. Oval faces are well balanced, and thus, most people use their eyebrows to make their faces look more oval-ish. If nature has bestowed you with the gift of an oval face, your ideal eyebrow shape is soft, shallow arched eyebrows. Dramatic eyebrows are just bad eyebrows on an oval face- because sometimes perfection lies in simplicity.

Eyebrows for a Round Face

If you have a round face, you’ll probably want to make it look less round. So, straight eyebrows are a big NO. You need to have arched eyebrows to add height to your face and make it look longer than it actually is.

Eyebrows for a Long Face

Arched eyebrows make your face look longer, which is precisely what you need to avoid if you already have a long face. Instead, your perfect eyebrows are long, straight eyebrows because they’ll make sure you look your very best.

Eyebrows for a Heart Shaped Face

Round brows are bad eyebrows on a heart-shaped face because they tend to exaggerate the heart shape. Your ideal eyebrow shape is a high arch because that will give your face the dimension it needs to lock those admiring gazes.

Eyebrows for a Square Face

Square faces have a super-strong jawline, which is excellent. But it would be best if you had something to balance it out, and that's where eyebrow shapes come into play. If you have a square face, you’ll want to go for curved, arched eyebrows to capture attention.

Eyebrows for a Diamond Face

Diamonds are relatively rare face shapes, and they're pretty close to the 'ideal' ovals. These faces are recognized by their wide cheekbones that taper towards the chin and forehead. If you have this face shape, we advise getting rounder eyebrows to make your face look even more flattering.


But What If I Have Thin, Overplucked Eyebrows?

What does this mean for you?  Can you still have full, strong, perfect shaped brows?

Well, the good news is that you don’t have to be stuck with thin eyebrows forever- you can get a good eyebrow growth serum to help.  For some people whose brows are thinning due to aging, brow serum can help revive the thinning brows.

But there are loads of different options and they're not all the same. So, which eyebrow serum should you pick?

Choose the one with good ingredients such as peptides, biotin, vitamins and plant extracts will make your brows grow fuller and stronger and heathier.  Even if you have good brows, using a good brow serum can help them stay strong and healthy.  Just like you'd take care of your hair, take care of your brows, too.